The work of our client Emma J. Virján is whimsical and fun—who doesn’t love adventures of a pig wearing a wig? Where does she get her ideas? How does she write and illustrate her stories?
We asked…
Booking Biz: What does your average day look like?
Emma: Most days begin with a 3-mile walk with my dog, Bella. Because of the Texas heat, we’re up and out early and can usually catch the sun coming up. After the walk, I go into the studio with a cup of coffee and Bella trailing not far behind. I draw or sketch something to begin my day and then from there, anything can happen. Some days have more drawing in them, while others have more writing. The day also includes answering emails and other business stuff. Sometimes I like to work at the library, which makes Bella quite sad. On school visit days, Bella and I walk in the afternoon or early evening. If I’m out of town for school visits, I like to shop for pan dulce at bakeries.
Booking Biz: When you’re not writing, what do you like to do best?

Emma: I love to be in my rose garden. I also love to read, watch British murder mysteries, go to museums, study flora and fauna books and make breakfast tacos. My favorite taco? Egg and cheese on a corn tortilla with green hot sauce.
Booking Biz: Where do you get the inspiration for your books?
Emma: I share with students that inspiration can come from anywhere and everywhere – while eating cereal at the kitchen table or taking a shower, or perhaps it’s a sound you hear that reminds you of something and you sit down to write about it. The key is to simply pay attention to your surroundings.

The PIG IN A WIG series started with a doodle that inspired me. I used to work as a graphic designer, and I was on the phone with a client and doodling pig snouts. I fell in love with the snouts and thought that a pig would make a good character for a story. I started to draw a pig and immediately drew it wearing a wig. I’m often asked why I wrote about a pig in a wig. The answer is simple: A pig in a shoe does not rhyme.
Booking Biz: Did you always want to write books for children, or was there another career you wished for as a child?

Emma: I wanted to be a farmer, a florist, a spy, a chef, a baseball player, an artist, and at one point, an opera singer. I was the student who was always drawing in class, so I knew art would always play into my career. Although I fell in love with books at an early age, it wasn’t until I was in college that I began to think about illustrating and writing picture books as a career.
Booking Biz: If you ruled the world, what would it look like?
Emma: I would get rid of social media and smart phones and try to get back to a time when we actually look each other in the eyes when we’re talking to each other.
Booking Biz: Sounds like a great plan.
Learn more about Emma J. Virján and her school visits on her speaker page.