Carmen Oliver is the author of many award-winning picture books for children including A Voice for the Spirit Bears: How One Boy Inspired Millions to Save a Rare Animal, a Junior Library Guild Gold Standard, Building an Orchestra of Hope: How Favio Chavez Taught Children to Make Music From Trash, a Junior Library Gold Standard (Oct 25, 2022), and The Twilight Library (Sept 6, 2022). She’s also the author of the Bears Make the Best Buddies series (Reading, Writing, Math, Science).
Carmen’s work has been shortlisted for the Rainforest of Reading Award, The Writers’ League of Texas Awards and the CLEL Bell Picture Book Awards for Early Literacy. In 2014, she founded The Booking Biz, a boutique style agency that brings award-winning children’s authors and illustrators to schools, libraries, and special events. She also teaches writing at The Writing Barn and The Highlights Foundation and loves speaking at schools, conferences and festivals.
Popular School Visit Presentations
Presentation: “The More You Read the Better Reader & Writer You Will Become” Carmen Oliver was an avid reader before she was a writer. She talks about how reading is the best teacher of all! The more you read the better writer you will become. Reading books generates ideas for your own stories. It helps us to see better word choices and descriptive words, words that use the five senses, and how it can help make our own stories stronger and more interesting when we use them. Reading books teaches us about voice and characters. How every author has a unique voice based on the words, emotions, and feelings they choose to tell their story. Yes, every voice matters. And by the end of Carmen’s presentation, students will be inspired to map out their own stories. Because if she can do it — they can too!
Presentation: “Be Brave, Keep Your Butt in the Chair, and Write: One Author’s Process on Becoming a Writer”
What separates a successful writer from an unsuccessful writer? They keep their butt in their chair and they write. It’s really that simple. They show up and do the work. Carmen shares her process for writing various books and how there’s more than one way to write a book. It first starts with good writing habits and your ability to be brave and try anything. But it’s also about rebuilding, reimagining, and reworking. She shares her top writing tips!
“Carmen, thanks so much for coming to LES. We appreciate your willingness to share your wonderful journey as a writer with us. Your visit encouraged students to read many kinds of books. You also inspired many young writers. My favorite comment from the students was, ‘You inspired me to read as many books as I can.’ That really says it all. “ Librarian Dena Wilson, Llano Elementary, Texas
“Carmen was such a fabulous presenter and the children just lapped up her words, her ROARS, the story, and their new books.”–Dara La Porte, An Open Book Foundation, Washington, D.C.
“Numerous teachers came and told me how your presentation was the perfect connection with what they were teaching right then. One team even wrote the book A Voice for the Spirit Bears into their IB unit lesson plan, so they’ll remember to use it again next year! Thank you again!“ Emily Gardner, Librarian Caldwell Heights, TX
“Thank you for an amazing day at SMPS! I have already had so much wonderful feedback from staff and students about your presentations. Your time is so appreciated. You are welcome at SMPS anytime!”—Amy Ryder, District Librarian, Livermore Falls, ME
“Carmen warms right up to her audience, and they warm right up to her messages about children’s authors sharing their lives in person, and making a difference in children’s lives.” – Professor Nancy Peterson, Utah Valley University, Utah
Availability and Honorariums
Please contact Carmen Oliver for rate information and availability for keynotes, workshops, and library & school visits.